Illuminate You

Intention Setting for 2025

As we start the new year we turn towards our plans for the year ahead. New Year’s resolutions can quickly fade as we get into the everyday routine once again. So in this blog I will explore some simple yet useful ideas to consider when planning and intention setting for 2025.

Intention Setting

I like the words “intention setting”. However, you can use the word that fits for you best. This is about describing what you want to do, feel and achieve in the year ahead. This may be described as goals, objectives, resolutions, focus areas or something else. It can be about personal and professional areas. What we call it matters as we want to be energised by them not see it as a task to be completed.

Now let’s support you to start the thinking about setting intentions by using a set of questions:

Where do you get your energy?

We want to spend our time where we get the most energy. As you consider your intentions for the year, consider your energy drainers, those areas of your life or tasks at work that zap your energy. What does this tell you? You can also consider your energy boosters, the things that bring you energy – this can also be used to consider the teams you surround yourself with and the company you work for – are you aligned with the energy they bring you or is it out of alignment in some way?

Where do you want to focus?

I encourage you to get out of the head and into more of your intuition to consider this question. So perhaps go for a lovely walk, or run, or practice some mindfulness, or have a short nap – and once you are in that state of mind, grab a piece of paper and start writing or drawing out what areas come to mind around where you want to focus. Another way to do this is to cluster the focus areas using key words for example:

  • Health
  • Finances
  • Relationships
  • Career Progression
  • Learning

At the end of 2025 what would you want to be saying about the year? What would be different for you?

Stephen Covey talks about beginning with the end in mind. By describing as best we can what good would look like we have a higher chance of being able to achieve it. For me, words aren’t enough, I like to talk this through with someone else, friends, colleagues and in coaching too. Somehow saying it out loud is far more powerful than me saying it in my head.

What do you need to let go of?

This can be a thought-provoking question as it may bring up areas that you have been avoiding facing. It is very useful to voice what this might be as to move towards new intentions we often need to eliminate things that no longer serve us. 

Who do you want to surround yourself with?

The “community” you build around you is vital to encourage your intentions to be fulfilled. Consider who you want in your community, and how you can proactively add to the support system around you. You may have different communities for different things for example:

  • To lean on in tough times
  • To have fun with
  • To develop professionally
  • To learn from
  • To be inspired by
  • To connect through a shared hobby

Format for Intention Setting

There are a multitude of ways to describe your intentions including:

  • Vision board – a creative activity where you choose pictures that represent your intentions and serve as a visual reminder all year round.
  • Life Wheel – a visual of the different aspects of your life with words that describe the desired state.
  • Objectives – written document often describing what you will and do and how you will achieve it as well as the benefit gained.

Key Points

  • Get out of the head and be intentional about it.
  • Consider the words to describe this activity.
  • Identify energy boosters.
  • Plan out your community and how you can also give back to them.
  • Plan in reflection time.

In Summary

As you start to reflect on the year ahead In encourage you to plan in reflection time throughout the year to add and amend the original intentions. Life happens when we are busy making plans, so building in time throughout the year can keep your intentions alive far more than just doing it at the start of the year.

I’d love to hear how you get on and how you find the different approaches. If you would like support with building your intentions do get in touch to see how 1:1 leadership coaching sessions can support you.